Announcements & Special Events
Come And Get It…
... there’s food on the table for the soul... Branson Church of The Harvest has a very special Sunday School class that meets every Sunday morning at 9:30 and concludes at 10:15 (to leave time for a break before the church gathering at 10:30). The teacher is Mr. Larry Zeitz. Every attendee is treated to a lesson that began with... Continue reading→
“Tickled To Death”
(A Brief Essay by Paul C. Collins, M. Div, Th.D.) The title of this essay is reminiscent of days gone bye when the expression was in common usage. When I think about the entertainment and amusement industry in Branson, Missouri, the phrase comes into my mind to describe an inherent spiritual danger. In other words, too much of a good... Continue reading→
Practical insights into education Paul C. Collins, M.Div., Th.D. Stop! Don’t stop reading! Please! I am about to write something regarding education --- and education is vitally important (life-giving information). Are you ready for the next paragraph? If so, here we go. Your education began before you were conceived. Your parents had certain things encoded in their DNA and that... Continue reading→
Items of Concern? (Does Anyone Care?)
Water, food, shelter, air ---- all are important. In fact, you may be able to live without shelter (in some climates) but you cannot live without food and water. As to air, you can live for years with pollution depending on the type and your personal health. Most folks in my circle do not seem to be concerned...
Our super charged world of rapid transportation, nearly instantaneous communication, AI, military expansionism, hunger, homelessness, and an overemphasis on entertainment needs the experience that comes by living long. The time is long since past to rid ourselves of the perennial search for younger leaders. What the world needs now is the proven experiential education of senior citizens. Even our elderly,... Continue reading→
Are you thankful that another national election “season” is now in the so-called history books? Well, it isn’t over! The pundits have a way to keep on keeping on with the verbiage about all the ins and outs of the election results. Some of the political talking heads want to explain away the results by explaining why “a fluke” happened.... Continue reading→
Ho Hum …
After 20 presidential elections in my lifetime, what can I say about number 21? After “living” under 15 presidents, what should I expect from number 16 (who may be a repeat)? I am looking ahead of November 5, 2024 (and this is being written October 31, 2024, appropriately on All Hallows Eve). So, with the next paragraph, here we go!... Continue reading→
Good afternoon, I know you have the date, and the time, so here is the occasion: I have been feeling compelled to write about a FEW of the matters that have been on my mind. 1. Denominations are dying. This is common knowledge but many refuse to accept the fact. 2. Para-church ministries are being challenged by the televangelists... Continue reading→
Thoughts Worth Thinking About
1. Grace is not a license to do whatever comes naturally. 2. If you are a Gnostic, a Secularist, a Materialist, a Hedonist, or a Humanist, you are most likely an Atheist. 3. Materialism and Carnality (giving priority to the flesh, pleasure, etc.) are the primary movers in politics because they are the main interests of the majority of voters.... Continue reading→
LEARNING BY LOOKING AND LISTENING THEN LOOKING AGAIN ... is something I am promoting as pastor of Branson Church Of The Harvest. It is very obvious that the laity is very much in favor. After many years of formal education, followed by many more years of experience, I am convinced that learning is based on research (looking) and asking God... Continue reading→