... there’s food on the table for the soul... Branson Church of The Harvest has a very special Sunday School class that meets every Sunday morning at 9:30 and concludes at 10:15 (to leave time for a break before the church gathering at 10:30). The teacher is Mr. Larry Zeitz. Every attendee is treated to a lesson that began with...
Category: Branson Church of the Harvest
“Tickled To Death”
(A Brief Essay by Paul C. Collins, M. Div, Th.D.) The title of this essay is reminiscent of days gone bye when the expression was in common usage. When I think about the entertainment and amusement industry in Branson, Missouri, the phrase comes into my mind to describe an inherent spiritual danger. In other words, too much of a good...Continue reading
Good afternoon, I know you have the date, and the time, so here is the occasion: I have been feeling compelled to write about a FEW of the matters that have been on my mind. 1. Denominations are dying. This is common knowledge but many refuse to accept the fact. 2. Para-church ministries are being challenged by the televangelists...
LEARNING BY LOOKING AND LISTENING THEN LOOKING AGAIN ... is something I am promoting as pastor of Branson Church Of The Harvest. It is very obvious that the laity is very much in favor. After many years of formal education, followed by many more years of experience, I am convinced that learning is based on research (looking) and asking God...Continue reading
With a New Look Branson Church Of The Harvest has an educational program that offers Sunday School classes as "the tip of the iceberg." The approach is both traditional and non-traditional by featuring an adults only class that meets at 9:30 AM every Sunday morning and special seminars that meet on Saturday mornings. The seminars are announced a few weeks...Continue reading
Holy Communion
Body? Blood The first century Christians (called "People of The Way") were sometimes criticized by being called cannibals. This derogatory reference was due to Christians observing the last supper Jesus shared with his twelve disciples wherein he called the bread his body and he called the wine his blood. In this 21st Century, some Christian traditions refer to the bread and the wine...Continue reading